

Can we set Linux default XTERM to VT100

2022年7月7日 — You can use SetEnv in your SSH config (probably ~/.ssh/config): Host server_ip_address SetEnv TERM=VT100.

Differences between vt100xterm and windows console

2021年6月29日 — This was noted by running a program on the linux machine written for xterm. First, its great that windows console has a terminal emulation mode.

vt100 vs. xterm

The SSH specifications use vt100 as an example of a shell that can be used. PuTTY uses xterm. My question is... what's the difference between the two?

What's the difference between various $TERM variables?

2012年7月25日 — I tried vt100, vt102, vt220, and xterm by using top . But I can't find their difference. Is there any other term type? What's their difference?


2023年7月30日 — xterm is the standard terminal emulator for the X Window System. It is highly configurable and has many useful and some unusual features.

xterm 指令

強烈建議使用它,因為在掃描大量文字時,它會使xterm 指令更快速。 啟用及停用平滑捲動的VT100 ESC 序列,以及「VT 選項」功能表可用來開啟或關閉此特性。 + ...

XTERM(1) manual page

It also specifies the emulation level, used to determine the type of response to a DA control sequence. Valid values include vt52, vt100, vt101, vt102, and ...


2023年12月12日 — 本文件最後會包含啟用虛擬終端機行為的建議方式範例。 下列序列的行為是以VT100 和衍生的終端機模擬器技術為基礎,特別是xterm 終端機模擬器。 如需有關 ...


常選用的幾種終端機: ansi, xterm, vt100, linux, ... 這些終端機名稱雖然不叫做vt xxx 但也支援vt100 系列終端機的控制碼,. 如何讓鍵盤立即反應? 通常文字模式下遊標 ...

從 緩衝輸 流到Linux 控制檯的歷史

不過因爲最普及的終端是 vt100 所以 xterm 默 認是⼯作在兼容 vt100 的模式下。然後接下來. 各種新程序(偷懶不⽤*curses的那些) 都以 xterm/vt100 的⽅式寫。 嗯到此 ...

'> MyFonts。我的字體比較

